Saturday, June 1, 2024

Chickpea Blondies


1 can chickpeas or white beans

1 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp each: salt and baking soda

3/4 cup granulated sugar  

 1/2 cup almond flour

1/4 cup applesauce, mashed banana, or yogurt

 1/4 cup almond butter 

1/2 cup chocolate chips, or more if desired


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Drain and rinse beans very well. Blend all ingredients (except chips) until very smooth in a good food processor . Mix in chips, and scoop into a greased or parchment-lined 8×8 pan.  chocolate  Bake for 30 minutes. They'll look a little undercooked when you take them out, but they firm up as they cool.


  1. This is Myra...I have this one saved. After you sent it to me, I saved it. Now that I have more free time I am making it.

    1. I added some to the freezer so I can pick out some whenever I want. SO GOOD!
