Saturday, July 29, 2023

Happy 70th Birthday to my HUBBY!

My neighbors daughter Sasha made this cake for Gabe. It was AMAZING! The girl has talent! She's only 16 years old 😉

Maribel and Henry hosted the party and the theme was Diving into 70's. She decorated the carport with sharks and turtles. I didn't get a photo of how great it looked but maybe someone else did and will add a photo if I can.



  1. This cake is amazing. She should go into business even at 16. Wow !! I hope someone took a picture of the carport. Happy Birthday to GABE !!! Wish I could have been there to celebrate with you.

    1. It would of been perfect if you were there. He really liked your card!! Maribel wants Sasha and me to go into business doing the cakes. I would make the cake and Sasha would decorate them. Don't think it's gonna happen but it would be nice to bake with someone. I always wanted someone to teach all the tips I have gathered

    2. Linda you really should do this. I think it would be such fun for both you and Sasha. You are the best baker, and Sasha is amazing. You could try it. It could turn into a really good thing. If I were there, I would keep pestering you til you do it. You tell Maribel I agree with her !!!!!!

    3. I would love to do it but Sasha doesn't know what she wants to do.

    4. I can understand. She is only 16. If she decides to, it would be great.

    5. I told her mother is would be a great way to save up for collage.
