Saturday, May 2, 2020

Mint Julep (non-alcoholic )


6 mint leaves, rinsed
1 1/2 c. sugar
2 c. cold water
3/4 c. lemon juice
4 c. fresca (or any flavor of lemon-lime soda pop)
2 c. ginger ale


1.  Place sugar, water and lemon juice in large bowl.  Mix until sugar dissolves and add mint leaves.  Let sit for 1 hour.  Fill a large pitcher with ice and pour sugar, lemon juice mixture over ice.  You can discard the mint leaves at this time.   Add fresca and ginger ale.  Serve and enjoy

Today was Kentucky Derby Day. No running of the roses this year. 

I made my own little Derby Celebration!


  1. This sounds so good. I haven't thought of Fresca in years. Didn't realize it was the Kentucky Derby Day. These days, I am lucky if I know what day it is today.

    1. That's why I made it! I had a bottle of Fresca that needed to be used up.
