Monday, May 4, 2020

Basic Quick Pickle Brine


2 cups apple cider vinegar

1/2 cup sugar

2 Tablespoons Kosher Salt

1 Tablespoon black peppercorns

1 Tablespoon Mustard Seeds

2 cups water

You can use 10 carrots. I used 4 Korean Cucumbers sliced thin


Bring vinegar, sugar, salt, peppercorns and mustard seeds  and 2 cups water to a boil over high heat, stirring occasionally.

Reduce heat and let simmer 10 minutes

Place cucumbers ( which I used) in a large canning jar and pour brine over the cucumbers.

Let cool to room temp.

Pickles can be chilled for up to 3 weeks

Korean cucumbers are very similar to English cucumbers, they aren't are long but thin and not many seeds.

Ae-yuns father grows them and she was so nice to give me a few.

BTW-- The blog now has 1,000,000 hits!!!!! NEVER ever thought I would see that.


  1. Congratulations on the 1,000,255 hits Linda. I was curious as to the carrots being used. Would they replace the cucumbers? I never thought to pickle a carrot. Would love to try one.

    1. I made pickled carrots awhile back.

      Check it out-

  2. WooooWoooo. 1,000,000 HITS !!!! This blog rocks !!!! This looks great. I have had many pickled veggies. They came in a jar. Would like to try to make my own. My next project. Boy I have so many projects to do. Yikes !!! Thanks have a great neighbor. Those cukes look so wonderful

    1. I have to leave them in the jar for awhile but then I'll open and munch away.

  3. So awesome to have a recipe for one jar of pickles. Thanks! I look forward to trying this. Of course, in Missouri we expect mid 30's one night this week so hoping to get the cucumbers growing soon. Patience for gardening season is a challenge up here LOL.

    1. I remember our years in NY, we never knew when a cold night would sneak in.

      Haven't open the jar yet and hope they taste good.

      Thanks for stopping by.
