Sunday, October 29, 2023

Mrs. John Pilling* Squash Croquettes ( Gluten Free)



1 small onion - cut up

salt to taste

2 cups cooked squash ( I used spaghetti squash)

1 egg- beaten

2 Tablespoon butter ( for Frying)

1/2 cup grated cheese ( use any cheese you prefer)

1 cup cracker crumbs ( I use almond flour to bind it together)


Add the cooked squash, egg, cheese and almond flour.

I added it to the fridge for awhile to firm up.

Form into patties

Fry in butter  until brown on both sides

I used my new air fryer and they came out GREAT! Mei gave me an air fryer. I wanted one for awhile and now I can't wait to make new recipes in it. The croquettes came out great. I used the vegetable setting and flipped once.

*The ingredients were in Calling All Cooks. I  wanted to check out this cookbook for ages. At my age I don't want to buy any new books. I interlibrary loaned it. SO many recipes I want to try. 

Will note when a recipe is from the above cookbook.


  1. Lucky you to have a friend like Mei to give you an air fryer. I can only imagine the recipes you will find in the cookbook and then make them in the fryer. I still use my recipes from Taste of Home.

    1. I know I'll be making LOTS of new stuff~
