Monday, July 17, 2023

Chicken Patties


18 ounces ground chicken ( I used a baked Chicken breast that I put in the food processor)

1 onion, finely chopped

1 bunch fresh parsley, finely chopped

1 large egg

2 cloves garlic, crushed, or more to taste

sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

2 tablespoons plain greek yogurt

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

2 tablespoon cornstarch

3 tablespoons vegetable oil


Combine chicken, onion, egg, garlic, salt and pepper in a bowl- mix well. Add yogurt, flour and cornstarch to combine. The mixture will be soft so add it to the fridge for about half and hour.

Make patties from the mixture and place on a plate. 

Heat oil in skillet over med high heat.

Cook patties till they are golden brown on both sides- about 5-7 minutes. Make sure internal temp of chicken is done when temp is 165 degrees

I don't know if it's just around here but chicken breasts are extremely chewy. It doesn't matter where I buy them or how I cook them- chewy. I figured why not chop one up and make a pattie with it.  


  1. So chopped up the chicken cooked or raw? This sounds good. I will have to try this.

    1. I used a baked chicken breast but sure you could use raw ground chicken. I never buy ground, if I did I would grid it myself. You would have to make sure it's cooked well if using raw. Gabe and I liked this and sort of good way to end the "chewy" chicken problem.

    2. I would use cooked chicken.I have some chicken in the freezer to cook up and will try this.
