Wednesday, May 6, 2020



4 cups zucchini , coarsely grated
1 large egg
1/2 cup fresh grated parmesan cheese
1/2 cup panko bread crumbs 
1/4 teaspoon freshly grated black pepper
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

1/4 teaspoon cajun seasoning


Pre-heat oven to 450° F .

 Line 2 baking sheet pans with parchment paper and spray with non-stick cooking spray. Set aside.

Remove as much moisture as you can from the zucchini. ( You can microwave the zucchini to release excess moisture, then squeeze out the water with paper towels.)

Add zucchini to large bowl and mix in remainder of the taco shell ingredients (egg, parmesan cheese, Panko bread crumbs, black pepper, salt, garlic powder, and cajun seasoning).

Scoop about ¼ cup of mixture on one of the prepared baking sheet pans and press down into a thin circle, about 5” wide. Repeat for remainder of mixture.

Bake shells for about 22-25 minutes, or until the shells look “crisp’ and brown around the edges. 

After zucchini soft taco shells are cool, gently peel them off the parchment paper. Serve with your favorite taco fillings.

The zucchini is the last of my goodies from Ae-Yun. I love making new recipes and I have so many more zucchini recipes to try. My zucchini plant is looking good so keeping my fingers crossed that this will be a good season.


  1. You are on a roll here Linda. I hope you get lots of zucchini so you can find lots of recipes to make. I would love to make these for my daughter and daughter in law. This would be a hit. Going to keep this one in my file. I need to get zucchini

    1. Now this is something that you will add to your favorite file. When you take them off the parchment paper they hold together and you can add whatever you like to them. DELICIOUS!
