Saturday, April 4, 2020

Roasted Cantaloupe, Tomato and Kale Salad



Brown Sugar

The above ingredients use as much as you want.


Preheat oven to 425 degrees.    Place parchment paper on top of baking sheet.   

I cut up half a large cantaloupe into cubes and added it to a plastic bag with some brown sugar. I didn't add a lot of sugar but add to your taste.

Place cantaloupe cubes on parchment paper with cut tomatoes.

Bake for 25 minutes or until cantaloupe is soft.  Remove from oven.

Place greens on plate and then add cantaloupe and tomatoes on top.  

Sharon and Don gave us a cantaloupe. It wasn't ripe. One half I made a smoothie for breakfast and I wanted to make something with kale.

The cantaloupe and tomatoes are so good roasted.


  1. You are lucky to have such good neighbors to give you so many fruits and veggies. I love roasted tomatoes, not sure if I would like cantaloupe roasted. Love it fresh tho. You sure do find the best recipes to use everything you have.

    1. Winn Dixie had cantaloupes on sale- 3 for 5. You can't buy just one- you have to get all 3.

      It was really good!
