Monday, September 23, 2019

Jello Gummies

Dottie- I'll try the sugar free soon and let you know how they come out.

Myra- think the kids would like these? Michael's has so many cute holiday molds!

1/3 c warm water
Small box jello flavored ( 3 ounces)
2 tsp unflavored gelatin

Mix unflavored gelatin with the water until dissolved then add box of flavored jello. Mix well . Let sit for 10 mins. Microwave 30 sec then stir. Microwave 30 sec again- stir then pour into molds. Refrigerate. Firms up within 1-2 hrs in frig


  1. Thank you Linda for thinking of me..I will make the sugar free ones when you try them..It would be only myself and Larry eating them until my Son brings the grandkids home for a visit again and I will make these ones for them..

  2. Linda, this is a great idea for when the kids are here. They love to help make things, and this is perfect. Funny thing, I just picked up a really cute butterfly mold yesterday to make some candy, this is perfect for it. Thanks for thinking of us.

  3. Do these gummies have to stay in the fridge and how long are they good for.

    1. I kept mine in the fridge-

      They didn't last long because they are really good.
