Saturday, September 6, 2014

Health & Feet

This is a pretty good article on different issues you may have with your feet that can also be related to other health problems.

Check out the article on Mother Network News

Additional article on remedies for swelling feet- 
Causes and Remedies

Personal note: when I saw the sandals they had Myra's name all over them. She LOVES butterflies so I bought them without knowing her size.   


  1. Interesting stuff! Amazing how one part of your body can tell you what's going on with another part.

    Those are some cute sandals alright. :)

    1. You know how much Myra loves butterflies and when I saw them I had to get them for her. I don't text so I couldn't ask her what size she is. I got a great deal on them. They are new and the original cost was 40 bucks.
      Carol- you KNOW me, I would never spend 40 dollars on a pair of sandals! Can you guess what I paid for them?

  2. I agree Carol, very interesting. I have the Mother Nature website bookmarked. They have some very worthwhile reading on it. I have a few toe nails that are very thick. My doctor calls it psoriasis. Since I have this on other parts of my body, I am not surprised. I have such a hard time cutting my toenails. I had a nail clipper that was my mom's from back in the 50's. I had been using it, but it was not working. I finally broke down and bought another one, and boy was I shocked. It worked !! Guess old nail clippers need to be retired at some point.

    Linda, are those your feet? I LOVE the flip flops, and wish they had had my size. If they are your feet, I am so jealous. They look awesome. If I showed a picture of mine, people would think they were from a monster.

    Thanks for this post.......I really learned alot and enjoyed it.

    1. I have a pair of clippers from the lady I helped. No idea how long she had them and they still are cutting my little beauties.

      Yes, my feet. I wanted to show off my tan!

  3. Lovely feet, Linda! Sure wish mine looked half as good! :-) The sandals are well showcased on your tooties.

    1. Thanks Angela- it's the tan that makes them look good! Not bad for bargain bin sandals!

  4. Lovely sandles and tanned feet. Yes I agree with those for our Myra. Great lincs for us to read Linda. Thank You.

  5. I love those sandles and love your tan. I have to try and get out and get some sun next weekend, hopefully it won't be too hot. Very interesting read, thanks for the link
