Friday, April 12, 2024

Healthy Cookie Dough


15 ounce can chickpeas- drained and rinsed well

1/4 cup nut butter ( used almond butter)

1 teaspoon vanilla

3 tablespoon almond flour

3 tablespoon maple syrup

small pinch baking soda *

1/3 cup chocolate chips ( I used the mini ones)

Add all ingredients except the chips into food processor and blend until smooth.

Add chips and mix in well.


* this seemed to be a weird addition so I omitted it.

This is SO SO good! Will be stocking up on chickpeas.


  1. Oh WOW !!!! I am definitely making this one. One question' do you have to use almond powder??

    1. I would. Don't think a sub would work on this .

  2. Will be trying this soon. Bought the almond flour

  3. Wow, this healthy cookie dough recipe looks absolutely delicious! It's fantastic to find healthier alternatives to satisfy our sweet cravings without sacrificing flavor.
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