Saturday, January 29, 2022

January Books

 The month isn't over and so far I've read  twenty three books. These are my favorites from this month

Cronkite's War: His World War II Letters Home-As you read the letters the young Walter wrote to his beloved Betsy, you see his brave front in perilous places , and his careful recounting of moments he had to know were historic in order that the woman who shared his life could share these times with him.

Murder with Honey Ham Biscuits-Halia Watkins, who owns a soul food restaurant called Sweet Tea in Maryland, is invited to be a judge on a cooking show. She is reluctant at first, learning that she is not their first choice, but cousin Wavonne, really wants the opportunity to be on TV, so she agrees. There are 3 contestants, and when one of them is murdered, Halia feels as if she must help to solve the crime as she's done in the past, despite police department disapproval.  Bonus with this one- posting a recipe from the book 😀

Murder at the Mousetrap (Bunburry #1)- These are short books. I've read eight in the series so far. I can see someone making these books into a PBS series

The Wonder of Lost Causes-Anyone who has ever owned a dog and experienced that special connection that occurs between an owner and a special dog will be instantly drawn into this book as I was. The story is told from two points of view - that of 11 year old Jasper, a boy with cystic fibrosis and his single mum Kate. Jasper has always wanted a dog and his mother has resisted because it brings with it too many other issues, especially with a boy who often struggles to breathe. Kate is a veterinarian at an animal shelter. But she feels taking care of Jasper, as well as working is as much as she can deal with without adding a dog to the mix. And then a large black dog who has scars from mistreatment and who doesn’t bark comes in to the shelter. Kate is aware that in reality he doesn’t have a hope of being adopted. Time is running out for the dog, called Whistler. Except, Jasper swears he can understand Whistler and they communicate.


  1. Wow Linda......23 books read !!! Amazing. I like the sound of them. I have been reading a lot on my Kindle. Didn't think I would like reading on it, but it has become my favorite thing now. I have been reading lots also. I like the cozy mysteries, which don't have me cringing. I do enjoy a "thriller" but the cozies are now an easy read. The one you mention "Murder with Honey Ham Biscuits" is very much like one I read recently. I think I would like this one.In fact, all of the ones you mention, seem like an interesting read. I will have to look them up. Thanks for the info......

    1. The "Murder with Honey Ham Biscuits" is a good series, I've gotten into food mysteries mainly for the recipes. You know I'm always on the look out for new recipes. Going to post a recipe soon from the above book.

    2. 23 books?!?!?! How do you do it? I'm always on the lookout for new mystery series- will definitely check out "Murder with Honey Ham Biscuits."

    3. Hi KT

      "Murder with Honey Ham Biscuits" is pretty good. Not a 5 star book but a good read.

      Recipe from the book posted today. I can tell you the relish is 5 Star!!!
