Friday, October 18, 2019

Roselle Jelly

It's been ages since I've made any type of jelly. When I saw THIS recipe I wanted to try it.

I wasn't sure if he used dried or fresh roselle . I have both but went with fresh since I cut yesterday.

He  used 1/4 cup roselle. My personal preference is a stronger tea thus I used over 1/2 cup.  You bring 4 1/2 cups water to a boil and add roselle.  Let it steep for about 10 minutes then strain. You will notice that the roselle calyx is no longer dark red but a very light sort of pink.

I had to do a taste test and it's delicious! Now to decide which recipe I will bring to the program.


4 cups Roselle Tea

4 1/2 cups sugar

1 package sure gel pectin

6 to 7  canning jars ( 8 ounce ones)


Go to the video above. He does a great job explaining how to make.


  1. Your Roselle program is sure to be a hit with all these different roselle foods you are making. If this jelly is as good as the other jellies you make, it is sure to be a hit.

  2. Replies
    1. I'll have to make more and give you a jar!
