Monday, September 7, 2015

MM 162 Weeks


  1. I can hear Max say "Don't stop, I like it!" the look on his face says it all. We're doing some early shopping this morning & the girls are getting a bath. Going to Bbq some ribs & chicken. Happy Labor Day!

  2. Awww, the kids are so cute. Max looks like he is loving all the attention he is getting. Look at that smile on his face.

    Doing not much for Labor Day. Just have a Labor Less day. Wishing everyone a great day, ans enjoy whatever you do and whoever you are with.

    1. I made more cookies and a few other things- it was a good Labor Day!

  3. Ah! Love how the neighboyrhood kiddos gather round Max! So adorable!

    No labour around here either but then, that seems to be my usual lately!

    Have a great day everyone.

    1. Angela- there's a price for those cookies the kids get! LOL

  4. HAHAHA that Max....what a ham. He's just lovin all that attention...and the kids are more than happy to give it to him.

  5. Ohhhhhhh Yeah !! Oh Yes Yes Yes that's it . Just a little to the right . Yep that's the spot. I Luv You . I Luv You..Mom keep those cookies coming. I get the rewards from them..Hey Mom lay down beside me. You might get your tummy rubbed too.
