Sunday, January 25, 2015

Tame squirrel, man's best friend


  1. Cute video! Not happening in my neighbourhood! Ray has a hate on for squirels! :-) They cause so much damage when they get into out buildings etc.

    1. We live in the woods back home and they make nest in the trees. We call them squirrel condos.

      Max keeps an eye on them!

  2. OMG......this is probably the only squirrel I have ever seen like this. They are so annoying here. They eat through the trash can lids and the trash and get in the houses and cause lots and lots of damage. This is a cute video, but I can't see anyone I know letting them in the house.

    1. My neighbor back home use to do the same thing as the guy in the video.

  3. That squirrel is SO cute. The ones I have around here are NAUGHTY.........

    I wonder how that guy knows that's the right squirrel to invite in? They mustn't have too many around. Looks like he takes him in his garage/workshop and they both have a snack.

    A squirrel with manners....who knew? :)

  4. We have a neighbor that freaks out every time she sees a squirrel. She calls the cops on them.

    1. Bet the cops don't hurry over when they get that call! LOL

    2. She sets traps for them and the kids open the traps and lts them free. We can see them do it from our porch. We just give the kids a way to go smile.
