Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Biggest Part


  1. So true Linda.........those "little things" can mean SO much to someone. What you find small seems HUGE in another person's eyes-and heart.

    Thank you for a good reminder to start the day. :)

  2. I agree with you Carol. Even if it is just a phone call to a person who lives alone, or a smile.

  3. This is a great message and so very true.

  4. Oh yes I find this so true. Even more so as we get older. A friendly smile, a touch, a hug, a voice to and from someone can mean so much ..My dear friend said he was ready to just give up on life until we started to communicate after our long absence from our school days. We find many things to share and laugh about. We pulled each other through alot of hurts since then. Our phone calls are long distance as well as emails and chats. My friendship with the ladies from my group has helped me also. MYRA & Linda
